Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thoughts on Facebook - Sat July 25, 2009

I joined Facebook in the summer of 2008. I thought, well, this'll be interesting. Let's see if I can search for any old friend. Hmm, let's see if I can find Ed or Lissa or Susan. Woh, there they are... This is cool! I thought this may be fun... I gotta tell ya, life has been a crazy ride ever since. I went through the normal addictive stage (may possibly still be in it) I found many friends and so many more found me. It makes you dwell on the past a little. Like, why is this person trying to "friend" me? I don't think she ever even liked me! Hmm." Then you think, "Well, we WERE only 15, too young to realize the enormity which is friendship. Let's give it another go!"

I've also got my new friends (past 10 years) on Facebook. And they are able to see a glimpse of me as I once was in the past, by catching conversations I have with old friends (20 years and more). I've found a balance between the old me and the new me... with both of me melding into one, I've become a better me. At least, that's the way I feel inside. I'm much happier. My husband recognizes the gal he fell in love with :) My kids love to hear the old stories, I only just remember by reminiscing with the old friends I've reunited with. I hate to say it, but I owe it all to Facebook!

So much more of life has happened to us. So many more loves and losses. All the bitterness of old has faded into miniscule happenstances, not worth trudging up or even giving a second thought to. "Let's start over, my friend. It's a brave new world! I bet we can make it work this time around!" I know we can. I mean, I know we will. Some loved ones (you know who you are) think Facebook is all fun and games. Some of it is, it's true. But the bottom line is you've got your old friends back. The ones you loved when you were learning the facts of life. The ones who lived and learned it with you. And they've changed, most of them for the better...I hope. I'm more than willing to find out.

Those are my thoughts about Facebook, what are yours? Leave me some comments...come on, don't be shy!!

Much Love.