Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday - 12:17AM

I was running around all day today getting ready for my trip!  I'm such a procrastinator.  Instead of packing for myself and 3 kids, I'm at the mall, purchasing sandals and other stuff for hot weather.  Then I remembered that I had 2 head-to-head softball games (co-ed) tonight.  Good news!  We won both games.  Bad news!  I'm sore as hell already.  I got pegged by a rolling speeding softball straight to the shins!! DAMN OUCH!!  It's still throbbing as I type and it happened 3 hours ago.  I got 2 hits, 1 run, and 2 plays at home (played catcher)!!  I guess a little bruise was worth it :)  

Now I need to go to bed, but my mind will be racing as to what I need to pack and whether I forgot to write something down on my list.  Wish me luck!!  I did decide that I wasn't going to bring my guitar :(  I mean who am I kidding, am I really gonna have time to play it while I'm there?  I'm gonna have hubby & 3 kids at an all-inclusive resort.  Something tells me, my days will be spent by the pool, beach or in the spa :)  No time for strumming!! Sorry gee-tar!! I promise to play you twice as much when I get back!!  Better get to bed now!!  

Hey!! Feel free to comment on any of my blogs!! I welcome it!!

Ok kids, be good!!  Make someone smile today :)


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