Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 11 - Philippines Trip (posted late)

Written on: April 23, 2011

Okay, so my bad, today is day 11. The last post was actually day 9. I know I promised a blog about Cebu and Boracay, but I'm gonna have to put that off again to the next post. I need to talk about today. There's a lot to be said about good family and good friends. I got a healthy dose of both today... and am still up at 12:18am to talk about it.

Today, we had a birthday party for my bro at Laguna where a huge source of income comes from renting out private swimming pools in private outdoor party areas. The area is complete with barbecues, full kitchens; don't forget the KARAOKE machine. Don't leave home without it? By all means do, because there's probably another one where you're going.  First time I'd seen one like this. It actually looks like a video arcade game complete with the standard yellow and white game buttons :) The party area also includes the use of 2 rooms which surprisingly had beds to sleep 12 people. 

What makes these swimming pools unique is that the water comes directly from the nearby hot springs. Not as refreshing on a hot day when you're actually in the pool, but all you need to do is get out from time to time to feel refreshed by the outside air. Before arriving there, I had to bust out my Tagalog as I got out to purchase beach balls from the numerous tiendas selling various types of fun floaties. Come on, everyone knows there's at least a 50% markup for foreign patrons. “Dohnt lie hah!”

Anyway, cousins from all over came to reunite. Could I just say, I love that feeling when you haven't seen someone in years and the minute you see them again, it's like you never left. Well, that's how it felt for me.  Angel and the kids had a great time with the cousins, as well. It was 9 hours of great conversation and great fun.

After a whole day of that, we freshened up back at our condos and went straight back out to visit our dear friends, Nick, Nana & kids. We went to their home in a gated community not 1 mile from where we were staying. They had an awesome dinner spread and great home. We talked about what makes Philippines different and all of it's idiosyncrasies. It was really funny. We asked why are Filipinos always smiling (especially in the hospitality industry)? And our friend said and gestured, “Because the sun is always in their eyes!” Lol! Ok, I guess you had to be there to see the gestures. Trust me, it was funny. Then we had a little musical program :) Lexi played piano, Ke'ala sang and played guitar, Nick, Joel and I sang a couple of songs, too. I even got to see a friend, Marlon, who just happened to be visiting PI also, whom I haven't seen in at least 20 years. How cool is that? By 10PM we were spent.
So the day was done and what a memorable day it was.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 9 - Philippines Trip

I shoulda started this blog on Day 1, but there was so much going on, it was impossible. In these past 11 days, we've seen such beautiful things in my homeland of the Philippines. Last I was here was in 1986. I look at it now and it is unrecognizable. Funny what 25 years could do to a country. Mega malls and high-rise condo complexes are scattered all over Metro Manila. It's quite amazing. They've got Starbucks coffeehouses all over, too. One thing we noticed was that almost all the cafes had great coffee... and we're coffee snobs.

I had a little problem with a stomach thing. I must have drank some bad water. I ached through 5 days of it until I finally asked a friend from here for advice. He said, "take Bactrim" Hmmm, "OK!" Did you know that they sell over the counter meds by the pill. So, I can go up to the pharmacist and say, "yah, can I buy 9 Bactrim tablets?" Cool right? I don't have to buy a bottle of 30, when I only need 9. Lol! Everybody in the hospitality and service industry are over the top nice and very accommodating. I feel bad when I only tip the 50 pesos (which is like $1.15) but locals tell me, that's the standard. I still try to slip in more, though... can't help it. So that's just a little teaser on my Philippines blog. Stay tuned and I'll tell you more about our visit to Cebu and Bohol. In the meantime, I gotta go to bed! It's 1:22PM... Guess I'm over the jet-lag. Type atcha soon!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thoughts on Facebook - Sat July 25, 2009

I joined Facebook in the summer of 2008. I thought, well, this'll be interesting. Let's see if I can search for any old friend. Hmm, let's see if I can find Ed or Lissa or Susan. Woh, there they are... This is cool! I thought this may be fun... I gotta tell ya, life has been a crazy ride ever since. I went through the normal addictive stage (may possibly still be in it) I found many friends and so many more found me. It makes you dwell on the past a little. Like, why is this person trying to "friend" me? I don't think she ever even liked me! Hmm." Then you think, "Well, we WERE only 15, too young to realize the enormity which is friendship. Let's give it another go!"

I've also got my new friends (past 10 years) on Facebook. And they are able to see a glimpse of me as I once was in the past, by catching conversations I have with old friends (20 years and more). I've found a balance between the old me and the new me... with both of me melding into one, I've become a better me. At least, that's the way I feel inside. I'm much happier. My husband recognizes the gal he fell in love with :) My kids love to hear the old stories, I only just remember by reminiscing with the old friends I've reunited with. I hate to say it, but I owe it all to Facebook!

So much more of life has happened to us. So many more loves and losses. All the bitterness of old has faded into miniscule happenstances, not worth trudging up or even giving a second thought to. "Let's start over, my friend. It's a brave new world! I bet we can make it work this time around!" I know we can. I mean, I know we will. Some loved ones (you know who you are) think Facebook is all fun and games. Some of it is, it's true. But the bottom line is you've got your old friends back. The ones you loved when you were learning the facts of life. The ones who lived and learned it with you. And they've changed, most of them for the better...I hope. I'm more than willing to find out.

Those are my thoughts about Facebook, what are yours? Leave me some comments...come on, don't be shy!!

Much Love.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cancun and stuff

Now what made me think I would have any kind of free time in Cancun to blog! Sometimes I have delusions of grandeur. We had a great time! Whoever invented "Kids Clubs" was a genius. We did an all-inclusive trip at Cancun Palace, which is part of a chain called Palace Resorts. Now the great thing about this, for those who have never been, is that there are a whole lot of 'em and every one of them that you hit while you're there is included in your "All-inclusive" package. So, the only cash I had to carry around was for discretionary gratuities. Supposedly, gratuities are also included in the package, but sometimes, you want to give a little extra. While doing a Q&A with one of the waiters at the hotel, we found out that he only got paid $80 every two weeks. And tipped $100 per month. I was sickened by the very thought of this! These hotels charge us a shit-load of money while they gouge their employees. Needless to say, from then on, we were leaving a little more tip.

As for the activities... We went to see the ruins in Tulum, locally known as, Zama (samá). Our guide was great and fully versed in the history of the Mayan culture. We also hit a place called Xcaret (esh-ka-ret) which was like Sea World of the Yucatan Peninsula :) Underground caves and rivers, marine life and most important MARIACHIS!! That was really fun. One of our funnest moments were on the boat on the way to Isla Mujeres. The crew was so entertaining, I almost didn't want to leave the boat. Hahaha! We also couldn't go to Mexico and not go to a flea market. So we went o Mercado 28. Here you can get souvenirs and stuff for really cheap. You could see that the decrease in tourism is really hurting this place. There was hardly anyone there. I ended up buying a bunch of pro team soccer jerseys, coz I felt bad for some of the vendors. Oh well, they were nice and they look great on the kids.

Most importantly, THE BEACHES!!! They are so crystal clear and clean. The ocean had shades of blues that I'd never seen before. The water was maybe a little cooler than body temperature, so it was so easy to just jump in and STAY in. I saw the whitest sand I've ever seen and it never burned my feet. Also, we had a drink in our hand at all times!! I highly recommend Cancun for those of you who have never visited Mexico!

Okay! That's it! Til the next time I feel like rambling....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wednesday - 12:17AM

I was running around all day today getting ready for my trip!  I'm such a procrastinator.  Instead of packing for myself and 3 kids, I'm at the mall, purchasing sandals and other stuff for hot weather.  Then I remembered that I had 2 head-to-head softball games (co-ed) tonight.  Good news!  We won both games.  Bad news!  I'm sore as hell already.  I got pegged by a rolling speeding softball straight to the shins!! DAMN OUCH!!  It's still throbbing as I type and it happened 3 hours ago.  I got 2 hits, 1 run, and 2 plays at home (played catcher)!!  I guess a little bruise was worth it :)  

Now I need to go to bed, but my mind will be racing as to what I need to pack and whether I forgot to write something down on my list.  Wish me luck!!  I did decide that I wasn't going to bring my guitar :(  I mean who am I kidding, am I really gonna have time to play it while I'm there?  I'm gonna have hubby & 3 kids at an all-inclusive resort.  Something tells me, my days will be spent by the pool, beach or in the spa :)  No time for strumming!! Sorry gee-tar!! I promise to play you twice as much when I get back!!  Better get to bed now!!  

Hey!! Feel free to comment on any of my blogs!! I welcome it!!

Ok kids, be good!!  Make someone smile today :)


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday - 9:15AM

So, I'm off to Cancun in a few days. I am so ready to leave my town. Why isn't summer here, yet? It's cold and foggy outside! It's not a very good argument for global warming!

Had a whopping 5 hours sleep. Woke up prematurely! Heard a little voice yelling, "Mommy, I'm done!!" For you parents out there, you know what that means. So up I go to help him out. Then, I go back to bed to try to continue my sleep. 20 minutes later, "Mommy, I'm done!!" Hmm? Is this deja-vu? NO! My kid went again!! Again!! I decided it would be wasting my time if I tried to get back to sleep a second time. So, up I am! Kids are fed and watching educational TV :) I'm not one of those people who thinks TV will turn my kids' brains to jelly. In fact, the way we shelter them so much nowadays, TV is the only opportunity for them to learn STREET Smarts!

Gotta go now, time for my breakfast! Keep an eye out for my Cancun Blog coming soon!