Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday - 9:15AM

So, I'm off to Cancun in a few days. I am so ready to leave my town. Why isn't summer here, yet? It's cold and foggy outside! It's not a very good argument for global warming!

Had a whopping 5 hours sleep. Woke up prematurely! Heard a little voice yelling, "Mommy, I'm done!!" For you parents out there, you know what that means. So up I go to help him out. Then, I go back to bed to try to continue my sleep. 20 minutes later, "Mommy, I'm done!!" Hmm? Is this deja-vu? NO! My kid went again!! Again!! I decided it would be wasting my time if I tried to get back to sleep a second time. So, up I am! Kids are fed and watching educational TV :) I'm not one of those people who thinks TV will turn my kids' brains to jelly. In fact, the way we shelter them so much nowadays, TV is the only opportunity for them to learn STREET Smarts!

Gotta go now, time for my breakfast! Keep an eye out for my Cancun Blog coming soon!

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